About me
Research Areas
Sketch Maps
Sketch maps are informal drawings that reflect a person’s perception of spatial areas. Because they are intuitive and easy to create, they are used in community mapping activities and in psychological experiments to capture individuals’ spatial knowledge. However, just like cognitive maps, sketch maps are incomplete, distorted, and schematized, which poses a challenge for the analysis.
We develop a computational approach to analyse hand-drawn sketch maps with respect to their completeness, correctness and degree of generalization, paying attention to the fact that human knowledge is qualitative in nature, thus sketch maps should be analysed qualitatively.

GI in Education
“GI in education” supports innovative teaching and learning processes through the use of geospatial technology. We aim to promote computational, spatial, and scientific literacy and support students in their spatial thinking.
Whether it’s programming your own senseBox environmental measuring station, observing and analysing local environmental phenomena on the openSenseMap, or exploring the environment in the geogame GeoGami: We share our ethusiasm for using technology to address spatio-temporal challenges of today’s world.

Wayfinding & Spatial Behaviour
The competence to navigate and orient oneself in the environment can be considered as one of our most fundamental abilities. However, with the extensive use of navigation apps, these competences might dissipate.
Wayfinding & Spatial Behaviour develops intelligent systems to better analyse human interaction with their environment and to communicate routes more intuitively. We aim to design assistance systems that actively train spatial orientation, navigation and map reading competences while assisting users in finding their way. This contributes to the next-generation intelligent applications that support the active cognitive engagement of users fostering their competence to accomplish a task.

Wayfinding Through Orientation
Strengthening Data Literacy in K-12 Education: A Scoping Review
Witte, Verena; Schwering, Angela; Frischemeier, Daniel
Education Sciences
An algorithmic approach to detect generalization in sketch maps from sketch map alignment
Manivannan C.; Krukar J.; Schwering A.
PloS one
VResin: Externalizing spatial memory into 3D sketch maps
Xiao T.; Kim K.G.; Krukar J.; Subramaniyan R.; Kiefer P.; Schwering A.; Raubal M.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies
Route effects in city-based survey knowledge estimates
Krukar J.; Navas Medrano S.; Schwering A.
Cognitive Processing
Schematizing car routes with their surrounding street network
Galvão M.L.; Krukar J.; Schwering A.
Cartography and Geographic Information Science
Zukunftsweisender MINT-Unterricht mit dem senseBox-Ökosystem. Die Plattform für partizipative Data Science mit Physical Computing.
Witte, V.; Schwering, A.; Bartoschek, T.; Pesch, M.
Der mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Unterricht
Assessing navigational map reading competencies with the location-based GeoGame “GeoGami”
Bistron, Janina Schwering, Angela
Journal of Geoscience Education
Presenting Showcases for “senseBox and openSenseMap” as a Learning Suite for Computer-, Data- and Scientific Literacy
Pesch, Mario; Bartoschek, Thomas, Schwering, Angela
Educational location-based geogame “GeoGami” for map-related spatial learning
Bistron Janina Qamaz Yousef Schwering Angela
Children’s Navigational Map Reading Strategies and Implications for Educational Geogames
Bistron, Janina; Schwering, Angela; Özkaya, Ilhan Talha; Qamaz, Yousef
Empirical characterisation of agents’ spatial behaviour in pedestrian movement simulation
Filomena G., Kirsch L., Schwering A., Verstegen J.
Journal of Environmental Psychology
Evaluating Automatic Body Orientation Detection for Indoor Location from Skeleton Tracking Data to Detect Socially Occupied Spaces Using the Kinect v2, Azure Kinect and Zed 2i
Sosa-León, Violeta Ana Luz Sosa-León; Schwering, Angela
Geotechnology-based Spatial Learning: The Effects on Spatial Abilities and Sketch Maps in an Inter-Cultural Stud
Bartoschek, Thomas; Schwering, Angela
Experimental evaluation of using BLE beacon for outdoor positioning in GPS-denied environment
Qamaz, Yousef; Schwering, Angela; Bistron, Janina
Spatial generalization in sketch maps: A systematic classification
Manivannan C.; Krukar J.; Schwering A.
Journal of Environmental Psychology
Detecting socially occupied spaces with depth cameras: evaluating location and body orientation as relevant social features
Sosa-León Violeta Ana Luz, Schwering Angela
Evaluating schematic route maps in wayfinding tasks for in-car navigation
Galvão M, Krukar J, Schwering A
Cartography and Geographic Information Science
SmartSkeMa: Scalable Documentation for Community and Customary Land Tenure
Chipofya, Malumbo C.; Jan, Sahib; Schwering, Angela
Innovative geospatial solutions for land tenure mapping
Mila Koeva, Claudia Stöcker, Sophia Crommelinck, M Chipofya, Kaspar Kundert, A Schwering, Jan Sahib, T Zein, Christian Timm, MI Humayun, Joep Crompvoets, Evrim Tan, Cesar Casiano, Placide Nkerabigwi
Rwanda Journal of Engineering, Science, Technology and Environment
An algorithm for the selection of route dependent orientation information
Löwen Heinrich, Schwering Angela
Journal of Spatial Information Science
The effect of orientation instructions on the recall and reuse of route and survey elements in wayfinding descriptions
Krukar J, Anacta VJ, Schwering A
Journal of Environmental Psychology
Route schematization with landmarks
Galvão Marcelo, Krukar Jakub, Nöllenburg Martin, Schwering Angela
Journal of Spatial Information Science
Local Domain Models for Land Tenure Documentation and their Interpretation into the LADM
Chipofya, Malumbo; Karamesoutib, Mina ; Schultz, Carl, Schwering, Angela
Land Use Policy
An algorithm for the selection of route dependent orientation information
Löwen Heinrich, Schwering Angela
Wayfinding Through Orientation: Schematizing Landmark, Route and Survey Information in a Single Map
Schwering Angela, Galvão Marcelo, Löwen Heinrich, Krukar Jakub, Schick Wiebke
Spatial Learning with Orientation Maps: The Influence of Different Environmental Features on Spatial Knowledge Acquisition
Löwen Heinrich, Krukar Jakub, Schwering Angela
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information
Spatial distribution of local landmarks in route-based sketch maps
A. Anacta Vanessa Joy, Li Rui, Löwen Heinrich, De Lima Galvao Marcelo, Schwering Angela
Towards automatically generating maps for wayfinding and orientation
Löwen Heinrich, Krukar Jakub, Schwering Angela
A Tool for Large-Scale Spatial Behavior Analysis in Indoor Environments
Schwering Angela, Mukhametov Sergey, Krukar Jakub
Evaluating Sketch Maps Qualitatively: A new Software-Supported Method
Schwering Angela, Jan Sahib, Krukar Jakub, Chipofya Malumbo
Distinguishing Sketch Map Types: A Flexible Feature-Based Classification
Krukar J, Münzer S, Lörch L, Anacta VJ, Fuest S, Schwering A
The Maasai of southern Kenya domain model of land use
Karamesouti M., Schultz C., Chipofya M., Jan S., Eduardo Murcia Galeano C., Schwering A., Timm C.
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Towards Smart Sketch Maps for Community-driven Land Tenure Recording Activities
Chipofya M, Jan S, Schultz C, Schwering A
Landmark-Based Navigation in Cognitive Systems
Krukar J, Schwering A, Anacta VJ
Künstliche Intelligenz
Cognitively Plausible Representations for the Alignment of Sketch and Geo-referenced Maps
Jan Sahib , Schwering Angela , Schultz Carl , and Chipofya Malumbo
Wayfinding Through Orientation
Schwering, A. Krukar, J. Li, R. Anacta, V. J. Fuest, S.
Spatial Cognition and Computation
Investigating representations of places with unclear spatial extent in sketch maps
Anacta,VJ; Humayun, MI, Schwering,A; Krukar, J
Perspectives in externalizations of mental spatial representations
Löwen Heinrich, Schwering Angela, Krukar Jakub, Winter Stephan
Can You Follow Your Own Route Directions: How Familiarity and Spatial Abilities Influence Spatial Performance and Sketch Maps
Li, R, Anacta VJ, Schwering A
Rethinking Wayfinding Support Systems—Introduction
Krukar J, Schwering A, Löwen H, De Lima Galvao M, Anacta VJ
What is Orientation?
Krukar J, Schwering A
Orientation information in wayfinding instructions: evidences from human verbal and visual instructions
Anacta, VJA, Schwering, A, Li,R, Muenzer, S
Cognitively driven design in geospatial technologies: achieving spatial intelligence in both systems and humans in everyday activities
Li, R Schwering, A
Invariant Spatial Information in sketch maps - a study of survey sketch maps of urban areas
Wang J, Schwering A
Journal of Spatial Information Science
Left-right relations for Qualitative Representation and Alignment of Planar Spatial Networks
Malumbo Chipofya, Angela Schwering, Carl Schultz, Emily Harason, and Sahib Jan
A metaheuristic approach for efficient and effective sketch-to-metric map alignment
Chipofya Malumbo Chaka, Schultz Carl, Schwering Angela
International Journal of Geographical Information Science
A metaheuristic approach for efficient and effective sketch-to-metric map alignment
Chipofya Malumbo, Schultz Carl, Schwering Angela
International Journal of Geographical Information Science
Spatial Rules for Capturing Qualitatively Equivalent Configurations in Sketch maps
Jan Sahib , Schultz Carl, Schwering Angela, and Chipofya Malumbo
SketchMapia: a Framework for Qualitative Alignment of Sketch Maps and Metric Maps (got 2nd best poster award)
Jan Sahib , Schwering Angela
RCC11: A Finer Topological Representation for the Alignment of Regions in Sketch Maps
Jan Sahib , Schwering Angela, Schultz Carl and Chipofya Malumbo
Navigating on Web Maps: Route Characteristics and Performance.
Fuest S, Li R, Schwering A
Map-off the city: How uncertain places are represented in sketch maps
Anacta,VJA, Humayun, MI, Schwering, A
Invariant spatial information in sketch maps – a study of survey sketch maps of urban areas
Wang, J Schwering, A
Journal of Spatial Information Science
Ordering: A Reliable Qualitative Information for the Alignment of Sketch and Metric Maps
Jan Sahib , Schwering Angela ,Wang Jia , Chipofya Malumbo
International Journal of Cognitive Informatics and Natural Intelligence
Visualising distant off-screen landmarks on mobile devices to support spatial orientation
Li, R.; Korda, A.; Radtke, M.; Schwering, A.
Journal of Location Based Services
The Use of Local and Global Landmarks across Scales and Modes of Transportation in Verbal Route Instructions
Schwering A, Li R, Anacta VJA
The Effects of Different Verbal Route Instructions on Spatial Orientation.
Li R., Fuest S, Schwering, A.
Qualitative Representations of Schematized and Distorted Street Segments in Sketch Maps
Jan Sahib , Schwering Angela, Chipofya Malumbo , Wang Jia
SketchMapia: Qualitative Representations for the Alignment of Sketch and Metric Maps
Schwering, Angela; Wang, Jia; Chipofya, Malumbo; Jan, Sahib; Li, Rui; Broelemann, Klaus
Spatial Cognition and Computation
Qualitative Representations of Extended Spatial Objects in Sketch Maps
Jan Sahib, Schwering Angela, Chipofya Malumbo, Binor Talakisew
Matching Qualitative Spatial Scene Descriptions á la Tabu
Chipofya Malumbo, Schwering Angela, Binor Talakisew
Transitional Spaces: Between Indoor and Outdoor Spaces
Kray C, Fritze H, Fechner T, Schwering A, Li R, Anacta VJA
Ori-Gami - Fostering Spatial Competency Development and Learning
Bartoschek Thomas, Schwering Angela, Li Rui
Ori-Gami - An App fostering spatial competency development and spatial learning of children
Bartoschek Thomas, Schwering Angela, Li Rui, Münzer Stefan
Analogies and Analogical Reasoning in Invention
Kühnberger, K.-U.; Krumnack, U.; Schwering, A.; Besold, T.
Sketch Learning by Analogy, The Shape of Things
Abdel-Fattah, A., Besold, T., Gust, H., Krumnack, U., Kühnberger, K.-U., Schmidt, M., Schneider, S., Schwering, A.
Selecting a Representation for Spatial Vagueness - A Decision Making Approach
Humayun Mohammed Imaduddin, Schwering Angela
Usability of Spatio-Temporal Uncertainty Visualisation Methods
Senaratne, H.; Gerharz, L.; Pebesma, E.; Schwering, A.
Usability testing of the interaction of novices with a multi-touch-table in semi public space
Jokisch, M.; Bartoschek, T.; Schwering, A.
An Empirical Study on Relevant Aspects for Sketch Map Alignment
Wang, J.; Mülligann, C.; Schwering, A.
Understanding and Processing Sketch Maps - Proceedings of the COSIT 2011 Workshop
Towards cognitively plausible spatial representations for sketch map alignment
Chipofya Malumbo, Wang Jia, Schwering Angela
Men to the East and Women to the Right: Wayfinding with Verbal Route Instructions
Anacta VJ, Schwering A
Remarks on the Meaning of Analogical Relations
Krumnack, U.; Gust, H.; Schwering, A.; Kühnberger, Kai-Uwe
A Study on Empirically Relevant Aspects for Qualitative Alignment of Sketch Maps
Wang, J., Mülligann, C., Schwering, A.
Men to the East and Women to the Right: Wayfinding with Verbal Route Instructions
Anacta,VJ and Schwering, A
Editorial of the Special Issue on Analogies - Integrating Cognitive Abilities
Schwering, A.; Kühnberger, K.-U.; Kokinov, B.
Cognitive Systems Research
Syntactic Principles of Heuristic-Driven Theory Projection, Special Issue on Analogies - Integrating Cognitive Abilities
Schwering, A.; Krumnack, U.; Kühnberger, K.-U.; Gust, H.
The recognition of sketches as a test case for complex computational cognition – position paper
Schwering, A.; Krumnack, U.; Gust, H.; Kühnberger, K.-U.
The Accuracy of Sketched Spatial Relations: How Cognitive Errors Influence Sketch Representation
Wang, J.; Schwering, A.
Spatial Cognition of Geometric Figures in the Context of Proportional Analogies
Schwering A, Kühnberger K-U, Krumnack U, Gust H
Structural Alignment of Visual Stimuli Influences Human Object Categorization
Stollinski, R.; Schwering, A.; Kühnberger, K.-U.; Krumnack, U.
The Impact of Gestalt Principles on Solving Geometric Proportional Analogies
Schwering, A., Bauer, C.; Đorčeva, I.; Gust, H.; Krumnack, U.; Kühnberger, K.U.
Solving Geometric Proportional Analogies with the Analogy Model HDTP
Schwering, A.; Gust, H.; Kühnberger, K.-U.; Krumnack, U.